Top Emerging Trends in Digital Marketing

The past few years brought some dramatic changes to shape the digital realm. Some notable mentions include evolving social media advertising costs, new updates from Google, and the latest eCommerce boom.

These developments have a direct impact on marketers and how they work as well. Hence, adapting to these changes quickly and strategically can ensure optimal results. The following are some exciting trends for digital marketing in 2021 that businesses must focus on for their campaigns.

Featured snippets

Typically, users will enter query terms in the search bar and get the best answers listed out based on their relevancy. In most cases, these answers are suggested in paragraph formats attached to an image. This box is known as position zero in search engine results.

For businesses looking to attract more visitors to their site, they must add valuable information in their writings to get featured in these snippets. By doing so, they will entice users to click on a website for more details; thus, attracting more visitors.

Verified listings

Local businesses like auto repairs or clinics need Google My Business Listings to establish geographical dominance. Having a regionally-defined service help to show up on “near me” searches, so more customers will find them via address, contact info, or open hours.

To ensure that the information is accurate and up-to-date, owners must verify their business with Google Business. This step also demonstrates that their services are trustworthy and reputable than others.

Voice search

Digital assistants play a crucial role in driving traffic in this modern era. Almost a significant portion of the entire online population uses voice-activated search to find answers for their queries.
Thus, brands must implement voice search features in their campaigns and create optimized content for better visibility.

Smart bidding

Typically, specialists analyze every piece of data to adjust keywords and ad phrasing. This exhaustive work requires hours of work and attention to detail. Therefore, automated bidding strategies use machine learning to analyze all data and adjust bid campaigns in real-time.

As a result, business owners can invest their time in optimizing PPC performance for better results.


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